Monday, 28 October 2013

Newsletter now available

Just to let you all know the latest edition of the newsletter is now available through the ERTF website.  I did not get much in the way of contributions but I am hoping there is still plenty of different and unusual snippets of information and less than the run of the mill exhibitions and events.  I wanted to publish early because there are some exhibitions and events that are finishing soon that are really worth visiting if you can.

I can take any reviews or information about exhibitions now - the next newsletter will be published by 1st February 2014 so if you are involved in something in late winter/early spring let me know.  I shall be at the November conference so even if your typing is not up to much just bring it on paper and I'll type it up for you.  Even a torn out bit of info about some interesting textile news will be great.

Janette Bright
ERTF Newsletter editor