Sunday, 10 May 2015

ERTF members - events

ERTF members are being invited to two events later in the summer.

On 18 July a visit to Docwra's Manor Garden, Roydon and on 12 September a visit to the World Textile Day East at Thetford in Norfolk.

Visit the ERTF website members area for more details and how to book.

I am also attaching an image I have received of lacework by ERTF member Pat Brunsdon, currently on display at the Textile Festival at Denny Abbey and Farmland Museum, Cambridge - the ERTF exhibition continues until the end of this month.

On Sunday and Monday (24 and 25 May) there will be a meet the makers day, and children's workshops during the half term holiday.  See the Denny Abbey and Farmland Museum website for more details.