Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Summer 2013 Newsletter

Members, the latest Newsletter is now on line for you to view.  You can find it on our new website.
I will be sending Members an email with further explanation.

The old website is being wound down, so will not have any further updates added to it.  If you have any queries do please ask, and I will do my best to help.
Beverley  website@easternregiontextileforum.co.uk

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Nov Conference : NOW BOOKING

Saturday 16th November 2013
'Textile Treasures' Historical Textiles Conference
with guest speaker
Jacqueline Hyman MA(Res)ACR
Hemingford Abbots Golf Complex
Huntingdon  Cambs
Ticket Applications by Friday 1st November 2013
The Conference is open to both Members and Non Members, you can find further information, on the day and a booking form via our website.
All Members have the opportunity to participate in our own shop: Cornucopia.  Details on the website.
Any queries about this event please get in touch with Pat, cambsrep@easternregiontextileforum.co.uk

Monday, 8 July 2013


Things are progressing with the new website.  I have added each Member to it, and an automated email to this effect should be with you.  Please look for it in your spam box, it will say its from Karen, the new website Administrator.
I will give you all details of what next, but do look out for further information, and keep the above email to hand.
Beverley - ERTF Website Manager