Monday, 28 October 2013

Newsletter now available

Just to let you all know the latest edition of the newsletter is now available through the ERTF website.  I did not get much in the way of contributions but I am hoping there is still plenty of different and unusual snippets of information and less than the run of the mill exhibitions and events.  I wanted to publish early because there are some exhibitions and events that are finishing soon that are really worth visiting if you can.

I can take any reviews or information about exhibitions now - the next newsletter will be published by 1st February 2014 so if you are involved in something in late winter/early spring let me know.  I shall be at the November conference so even if your typing is not up to much just bring it on paper and I'll type it up for you.  Even a torn out bit of info about some interesting textile news will be great.

Janette Bright
ERTF Newsletter editor

Thursday, 17 October 2013

November Conference NOW BOOKING

Our next Conference is on
Saturday 16th November 2013.  "Textile Treasures" with guest speaker, Jacqueline Hyman.
The Conference is now taking bookings, all are welcome, it is open to Members and Non Members, but places need to be booked in advance.
All the details can be found here.
Note, deadline for bookings is Friday 1st November 2013.
Any questions please ask:

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Autumn Newsletter

The autumn 2013 ERTF newsletter is due out 1st November, but with the Ally Pally Show this weekend I realise some people may need a little longer to get any articles written.  I am extending the deadline (usually 15 October) into the next week.

Hoping to hear from members soon with their articles, reviews, information on exhibitions, etc -


Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Weekend Event

We have several Members participating in this event.  Sue Blackburn, Pat Brunsdon, Janet Cook, Marion Curtis, Jacky Glyde and Alison White.