Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Do you Want to Sell?

During the very first conference we drew up a list of the members’ priorities for ERTF and extremely high on that list was the opportunity to sell work. Since then the committee have been working towards meeting this priority – firstly by establishing an exhibition programme, secondly by creating a gallery on the website and now, in a third ‘prong of attack’, by putting our textile art in direct contact with the everyday consumer. To do this we propose to take a stall at one of the art, craft and design shows in the Summer of 2011 and then, if this is successful, to set up an ERTF Textile Art Event the following year which will enable our members to take their own stall (or to share one amongst a group or with a friend) to sell their work.

Needless to say organising these events will be extremely time consuming so it is important to us that the membership supports, and wants, this initiative to enable us to gauge reaction to this project please could you e-mail;-

Yes to ERTF Sales project or No to ERTF Sales project.

to Chris Spencer @ chrissythreads@hotmail.co.uk.

Sunday, 21 February 2010


ERTF Member, Liz Nicholls, whose busines Threads N Things is familiar to many of us, manned her last stand at Textile in Focus! So bye to Liz, thank you for all you hard work "servicing" us all over the years and happy "retirement" but no tears as the business is being taken over by another person who is based in our region. Liz will let us all know her contact details in the near future.

Textile in Focus Cottenham

Textiles in Focus at Cottenham, is a small regional event that is always a fun and packed three days. Expertly organised by Pauline Verrinder and her team, she gave us space this year to promote ERTF. Shown here (so sorry for the quality of photos!) is Sue Blackburn manning the stand Friday morning with Clarissa Cochran. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and hope to welcome lots of new members...............

The 3Ds by Glen Gerrard seem to get everywhere.........

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Textiles in Focus

Hope you managed to get to Cottenham - visited the ERTF stall and also picked up the long list of future ERTF events freely available. If you couldn't make it you can check details on the website.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

The Three Disgraces and I are off to Cottenham tomorrow [Friday 19th] to the ERTF stall [and to peruse and buy lots of other goodies].

Lots of fun and information for us all...................which I hope members will translate into articles for the newsletter so we can all share.

The ERTF newsletter will come out in March; the next is not till July - by then lots of our Spring and Summer exhibitions will be enriching the environs, so do also send in dates and times for the Spring issue so that members can plan ahead.
Newsletter deadline 28th February!

Monday, 15 February 2010

ERTF 2010 Programme

Take a look at the website lots of new events have been posted and also new information on existing events. Don't miss out, update your diaries!
Non Members there are also events that you can get involved in, find out what you are missing by not joining this exciting and busy Forum take a look at the public programme!

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Yvonne Pedretti

We are very sad to pass on the news that Yvonne Pedretti passed away on Monday 8th February 2010. Yvonne had been battling with cancer for sometime. Yvonne was a member of the textile group EAST and was well known to many members of ERTF, she will be missed by her friends. http://yvonnempedretti.blogspot.com

Friday, 12 February 2010

Details for Stand at Textiles in Focus Cottenham

This is just to let members know that this stand is not an exhibition stand - it is for information on ERTF and we are using it to tell people about ERTF and promote membership. So if you are stewarding make sure you look on the web site, in the members section under Cambridge, Events for further information and what you need to do.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Connecting Memories

I hope the following course being offered by Jackie Millen, a Cambridgeshire based ERTF member, will be of interest to some of our members. Both Jackie and Clare are talented and experienced textile artists so this will be a wonderful opportunity not to be missed!

Connecting Memories

A weekend of experimental textiles and mixed media celebrating memories of childhood and life events, culminating in the creation of a personal memory cloth.

Venue: Hemingford Grey Reading Room
Date: Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th March 10am - 4 pm
Price: £80 - includes tour of the Manor, lunch and basic materials

Saturday: Take a tour of Hemingford Grey Manor, former home of childrens author Lucy Boston and viw her collection of hand made quilts. In the afternoon you will make your own memory book.
Sunday: Design and create your own unique memory cloth

For further information please contact:
Jackie Millen 01767 679999
or Clare Richards 01480 467825

Stranded - Exhibition at National Theatre, London

Until Feb 14, and exhibition called Stranded by Lalla Ward (best known as a Doctor Who assistant when Tom Baker was Doctor Who), has an exhibition at the National Theatre, South Bank, SE1 9PX - www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/exhibitions.

"She paints with threads, draws with stitches, makes pictures with fabric, cares about biology, loves island flora and fauna, and is capitavated by the evolution of animals stranded in isolation."

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Interview Day- Julia Caprara School of Textile Arts

The JC School of Textile Arts are holding an interview day at Portland Place in London, for more details see their website jctextilearts.com
The interviews are to be held on 12th March 2010
The final date for applications to the office 19th February 2010

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Winter Newsletter

Some members have been kind enough to send articles in already, for which, much thanks.

New members - please send me a few words on yourself and your work to include in Members Spotlight, plus photos of both.

There are, and have been, a few exhibitions on recently - please don't be shy, send me some notes and pics, so that those who can't get to see them can get a glimpse - and of course let us know what is coming up, we need the colour on these cold grey days. Send to glengerrard@btinternet.com. before end of February