Friday 27 November 2009

A Great Evening in Norwich

Good news, Stephanie Potts has agreed to be our rep in Norfolk, she is Manager of Dragons Hall in Norwich and is completing her MA in Textile Culture at Norwich. She will shortly be putting details of the next meeting meeting on the web site and you can contact her via the Committee Members section of the web site. It is Monday 18th January in the evening so put in your diary now.

We had a fantastic networking evening in Norwich at the splendid medieval Dragons Hall, so our venue for November 2010 conference is spectacular and a very apt setting for Concepts and Meanings.

We had a lot of interest in ERTF with representatives from Norwich Cathedral, amazing ecclesiastical textiles of course, and the Costume and Textile Society based at Carrow House. Several students on the MA course at Norwich have joined as members and I feel that Norfolk is going to be a very vibrant and active group. They have already arranged their next meeting, January 18th, to start taking things forward.

I forgot to take my camera, as ever, so no nice pics but I would like to say a big thank you to the Norfolk members that drove long distances on a wet November evening and to Stephanie for volunteering and providing the wonderful setting for the meeting and to Caroline McNarama for organising the evening.