Saturday's Conference was an enjoyable event, I will shortly be posting photos from the day onto the
ERTF website. The Members Shop, Cornucopia, also provided the chance not only to buy but also to see the range of textile skills and interests our Members have.
Our next Conference is in planning, those of you who are eagle eyed may well have spotted that the title has already been added on the righthand menu, and onto the home page of the website:
"Marketing Your Artwork".
Further information and ticket details will be made known as soon as possible, so do keep checking back. Please mark those new 2013 diaries with the date
20th April 2013, Girton College, Cambridge. The Conference is open to Members and Non Members, we look forward to you joining us.
The next jury selected
Exhibition "Eastern Images" is in planning for
2014, again headline details can be found on this blog in the righthand menu, and on the home page of the website. I will also shortly be adding up to date information on this event to the website, as announced at the Conference. The full information for the Exhibition criteria, dates, deadlines, costs etc are due to be announced at the April 2013 Conference. However, you can start designing and making right now. Any questions on the Exhibition, please email:
Reminder please, that this is a Members Only Exhibition, however, we very much welcome you to join us as Members, and to join in the exhibition process. New Membership is required at or by 20th April 2013 (through to end of March 2014) in order to participate in the selection process. If you have any questions on Membership please email:
Please keep checking back via the announcements here, right hand margin headlines, website home page headlines and the various sections on the website. In addition for Members, the Members Section of the website, Newsletter or via Area Reps. Information is made available as soon as possible.
Beverley, ERTF Website Manager